Thursday, September 25, 2008

Frankly My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn

Human emotions are a funny thing, especially when it comes to the subject of death. I remember after the "Virginia Tech tragedy". I went to school the next day and there were people who were all broken up about it and there were all kinds of Facebook and Myspace groups dedicated to it and signs up around school saying "not only is this a tragedy for our brothers and sisters at tech but for colleges everywhere", and my response was "NO IT'S FREAKIN NOT!!!". My first response after the "tragedy" was that I called my friend, made sure his sister wasn't dead, then I went about my business and didn't think about it again until I saw some people crying about it the next day, I came up to them and I talked to them for a little while; after talking to them for a couple minutes I came to find out that neither of them had any direct connection to anyone who was even in the building where the shooting took place. What the hell!!!
Why does man have this obsession with death and being sad about it? When I was a small child I was going to my great grandmothers funeral, and while I was in the car on the way there I said out loud "cool, I've never been to a funeral before!", my entire family looks at me in horror and my older sister says " Alex, we're going to a funeral, grandma died", I knew that, it had simply never crossed my mind to be sad, I barely knew this woman, I had no real connection to her and even though I was directly related to her I saw her death as nothing more than a way to go see my first funeral, cool! Even when I saw her body in the open casket my mind simply thought about the difference between American and ancient Egyptian burial practices, I had no connection to this woman, and that's the bottom line.
People are obsessed with creating false connections to people they don't know during "crisis" and/or "fatal " situations in order to... ummmm... I don't know... feel included?
If you look at it from a logical standpoint people should never, NEVER be sad about death. Let me explain, if man was simply sad about death alone, the entirety of humanity would immediately become stagnate and incapacitated by a deep depression over the millions of people who die every day. The sadness created by death is a reaction to severed connections, both real and manufactured. On September eleventh I watched the TV as the buildings fell, killing thousands of people; not once did I feel even a little sad, all I thought was "Wow, I wonder if those buildings were specifically engineered to fall straight down like that in order to minimize damage to the surrounding buildings, cool" and this is because I had no connection to anyone who died in there, if I did have a connection to someone who had died I would be heartbroken, if a friend of a friend had died I would be sad because someone I have a direct connection to is heartbroken, other than that I go "Well this should be interesting." I'm not going to be sad for some person somewhere being sad, I simply don't care. I don't want to sound like Scrooge, but there is a surplus population and if people don't die in large numbers on a regular basis it's just going to be that much worse for the people who are alive now and will be alive in the future, there is no open season for humans, how else are we gonna go, people die to old these days. If you look at the big picture, it's best for the general population if the mortality rate equals or exceeds the birthing rate. So don't let the natural and necessary progression of life and death cripple mankind with pointless depression. PEOPLE DIE, IT'S A GOOD THING!!!

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