Thursday, September 25, 2008

Start playing games with my head Episode: 0

So I was watching Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (best movie ever!!!) the other day, again, and when it was over I reacted the same way I have all of the other times I have watched it, the ending credits roll and I scream to the heavens “Why not me!!!”
For those of you who don’t know, I plan to pursue a career in game development when I’m finished with college, and every time I see a piece of 3D animation I cant help but think “When’s it going to be my turn?!?!?!”.
It’s all part of my obsession with creating things, I realized this obsession the first time I created a list of things I wouldn’t mind doing as a career, the list included, artist, musician, writer, cook, architect, I wouldn’t even mind being the worlds only ladies clothing designer who actually likes ladies (If you know what I mean).
By this time I had developed a love of physics, so I thought “What do you get when you cross physics, art, music, writing, architecture and clothing design, then make it interactive?… VIDEO GAMES!!!”. Ever since then I look at the world and see numbers, polygons, physical properties, lighting, texture mapping, camera angles, etc. and because of this my mind is constantly pummeled with ideas with ideas to communicate realism, surrealism and hyperrealism to the 3D interactive matrix. In some of my following notes I plan to communicate some of my graphic arts ideas to you guys and hope for input.

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